Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series
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"At UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, Olivier Delarue leads UNHCR Innovation, a multi-year effort seeking to foster and support creative problem-solving, experimentation, and new kinds of partnerships in responding to delivery and programmatic challenges faced in UNHCR field operations. By providing space for the discussion of problems and needs, empowering UNHCR staff to think creatively, and reaching out to a broader community of support, UNHCR Innovation helps to design concrete and tangible solutions as well as develop a culture throughout the organization where innovation is fostered, captured and rewarded. International jurist by training, Olivier is a true UN homebody, having joined UNHCR 20 years ago to tackle large scale and complex challenges. Olivier also co-founded the UN Innovation Network in 2013 together with UNICEF and WFP which now features more than 18 UN agencies working together in harnessing the power of innovation process. From 2015 to 2016 participated to the World Humanitarian Summit process as member of the Pillar Transformation through Innovation and is contributing to the creation of the Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation (GAHI) and is a member of the Steering Committee of the the Global Humanitarian Lab (GHL) which will launch in April 2016 in Geneva and globally"