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Born in 1949 , raised in a refugee settlement in Karachi, completed high school and married off. Had 3 children at 21 , completed Masters in social work, first community assignment construction of pit toilets in the homes of 5000 poor families living in squatter’s community. The sanitation project helped create national policy , Completed PhD “ Sanitation to development “ from university of technology LOUGHBOROUGH UK .
Created methodologies of creating partnerships with the communities in Balochistan, established 2200 rural girls primary schools, enrolling more than 200,000 girls. Establish INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES AND PRACTICE 7000 graduates, created Leadership training for Community Midwives 400 women empowered as Community midwives,
Organic agriculture with 300 small and landless farmers. Environment friendly campus for University of Community Development.

Regional Focus

Southeast Asia

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