Raed Othman
Date of Birth: 20 May 1972
Personal status: Married
Home Address: Bethlehem.
Mobile no.: +972 59 9258705:
Email: raed@maannet.org
Al-Majd Building, Al-Karkafah st.
Bethlehem, Palestine.
Tel: +970227460085,
Fax: +970227460088
Founder and General Director of the Ma’an Media Network 2004 - present
Chief Executive Officer of Ma’an Media Network, www.maannet.org, a leading Non-Profit media network founded in 2003 and operating from its headquarters in Bethlehem and sub-offices in Ramallah and Gaza City. Original media productions for TV and radio programming from traditional to new media, News coverage, Public relations services, and an online news agency, providing round-the-clock coverage. Social media coverage focusing on youth empowerment with innovative tools to engage youth including the first reality show produced in Palestine. Promoting teamwork and leadership among Ma'an staff, motivating employees and overseeing staff development efforts, resolving any internal conflicts, making decisions and setting strategy, ensuring that all staff members have clear job responsibilities and effective supervision, setting performance standards, and overseeing hiring and performance evaluations. Together with senior managers, responsible for the development and implementation of targeted strategies for quality control, program services, finances, fundraising, and human resources. Leads Ma’an Media Network’s external relations, serving as a spokesperson for the organization and promoting its mission and values to current and potential employees, donors, funding partners, regulators, volunteers, clients and other constituents. In partnership with the Ma'an Board of Directors, recommends priorities and develops strategic plans for organizational, financial, and program development.
Manage full financial accountability to the Ma’an executive board
Direct and design media and youth Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Libya
Media training and facilitator on professional journalism and safety in a conflict zone.
Oversee management of governmental grants: USAID, DFID, EU, Dutch
Complex public relations management of programs with donors and beneficiaries
Executive Producer of the main television programs on Ma’an
Financial supervision of the program and its implications
Coordinating with the Presidency, the Government and all supporting bodies in regard to all nonprofit implantation.
Fundraiser to supplement project financing.
Universalization and transfer of the idea of the region and promote it globally.
Innovative and Producer of Reality TV Program “The President” 2013- present
• The idea of the program and the activities carried out by the participants
• Producer of the main television program
• Supervisor and designer of all exercises carried out by participants
• Supervising the committee of wise men who lead the program
• Supervising the voting and selecting the winners
• Coordinating with the Presidency, the Government and all bodies.
• Universalization and transfer of the idea and promote it global.
General Manager of MIX (Maan Satellite Chanel) 2012- 2014
• General supervisor of the production of weekly and weekly programs
• General supervisor of news produced by the space editor.
• Financial supervision of all expenses and income.
• Appointing and supervising media and administrative cadres
Director of the Shams independent television network 2001-2004
Shams network included six television stations.
General Director of Bethlehem TV Station 1998-2002
Transmission Engineer 1997-1998: local TV stations and Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (PBC)
Board Member of the Arab Union for Economic Media. 2007 to Present
The Union is based in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It includes media organizations from all Arab countries and is now in the establishment stage. It has obtained Jordan's approval for hosting and the specialized committee at the League of Arab States.
Foundation Filisteen Kheir 2012 to present
To raise awareness of social issues in Palestine and provide opportunities for connection between different Palestinian communities
1997 Bachelor Degree in Electronics /Minor in Communications and TV Engineering College, Al-Quds University/Abu Dis, Palestine
Many other education and training courses in media and other related issues.
Languages: Arabic, English and Hebrew
Hobbies: Reading, travelling, driving, cinema and football.
John Marks
Search for Common Ground Advisor
Tel: + 31638503841: Email: jmarks@sfcg.org
Nibal Thawabteh
Director of Media Development Center
Tel: +972-2-298-2989 Email: nthawabteh@birzeit.edu