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Rodrigo Guerrero

MayorCity of Cali, Colombia


Born in Cali, Colombia, in 1937
-Medical Doctor from Universidad del Valle
-Master of Science in Hygiene
-Doctor in Public Health from Harvard University
My career has spanned academic life, social development and public service:

-Professor, Chair of department, Dean of the Medical School and President of UNIVALLE

-President of the Carvajal Foundation in Cali
-Creator of VALLENPAZ, a non-profit corporation currently restoring peace and economic prosperity in the conflict-ridden mountains of South-Eastern Colombia

-Mayor of Cali 1992-1995
-City Council Member 2008-2011
-Re-elected Mayor in 2012, currently in office

Last year I was the first recipient of the ROUX PRICE, created by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (Seattle, WA) to acknowledge the use of the global burden of disease approach to develop intervention policies.

The Price acknowledged the use of reliable data to reduce Cali´s crime rates in 1993, Cali during the war between the Cartels; the same method has been successful in reducing crime at this time, when large criminal organizations are fighting over the territorial control of micro-traffic.