Ruchit Nagar

CEO & Co-FounderKhushi Baby


Ruchit Nagar, MD, MPH is CEO and Co-founder at Khushi Baby. He is also a resident physician at Yale New Haven Hospital, training in internal medicine and pediatrics with an interest in pediatric critical care.

Ruchit founded Khushi Baby as an undergraduate at Yale in 2014, and has grown the global health non-profit to a team of 75, now working as the Technical Support Partner to the Department of Health of India's largest state, Rajasthan. Khushi Baby's flagship solution, the Community Health Integrated Platform, has enabled 70K+ community health workers to t the track the health of 45M beneficiaries. CHIP has received $15M in Ministry of Health funding for deployment scale-up.

Ruchit's interests include critical care pediatrics, human centered design, health systems strengthening, impact evaluation, machine learning for global health.

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