Rukka is a Torajan from the highlands of Sulawesi, whom in 2017 elected as the first female Secretary General of AMAN. She worked for JAPHAMA, a network of Indigenous Peoples’ defenders - one of the main groups that convened the 1st congress of IPs in Indonesia in March 1999, during which AMAN was established. She graduated in Political Science from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; joined UNDP Regional IPs Programme at UNDP Asia Pacific RC in Bangkok as Program Specialist in 2007.
From 2009-2012 Rukka served as a member of Executive Council of Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact/AIPP representing Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Timor Leste. Presently, she is also Member of Guiding Committee at Pawanka Fund, Board member of Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI), Founder and Board Member of Indigenous Peoples of Asia Solidarity (IPAS) Fund, as well as Nusantara Fund in Indonesia. She is also member of Indigenous Leadership 2024-2025 by Christensen Fund.