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Sabri Saidam

Executive Chairman (Netketabi), Former Presidential AdvisorEducation/Government


Senior lecturer at Birzeit University. Served as an advisor to the Palestinian President on Telecom, ITand Technical Education. Former minister of Telecom & IT. Led telecom market liberalization in Palestine in 2006 introducing the second mobile phone operator. Also led the introduction and ratification of the Palestine Telecom Regulatory Authority (PTRA) law. Introduced a series of initiatives inclusive of e-Gov, the National Academic Network, Falastinyia (enhancing women participation in ICT),the Palestine Education Initiative (PEI). Helped launch .PS, the Palestinian National Internet Naming Authority (PNINA). Founded the award winning Palestine Digital Library in 2004 and the Palestine e-Republic in 2007. Also co-founded the Internet Society- Palestine Chapter (ISOC-PS), PC & Net 4 All (for providing PCs and internet connectivity to deprived Palestinians. Holds a PhD from Imperial College and a certification in Human Development form Oxford University. Born 1971.