Read the latest case studies from social innovators in "Orchestrators of Change"
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Sean is the Senior Vice President Global Initiatives, Strategy and Business Development for Yara International the world’s leading global crop nutrition company. He is currently based in Belgium having lived for 12 years in Africa and 7 years in China. Sean is recognised as both a leading social entrepreneur and intrapreneur.

Sean is currently co - chair of the WEF New Vision for Agriculture. He was recently on a 3 month secondment as Special Advisor Office to the UN Special Representative to the Secretary General on Food Security and Nutrition. He was the founding co-chair of Grow Africa and remains on the executive steering committee. He is a member of the Global Agenda Council on Climate Change. Sean also sits on the executive committee of the African Green Revolution Forum, he is initiator of both the Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor, Mozambique and Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania as well as visiting practitioner at Harvard Kennedy School CSR Initiative.