Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Sharath Srinivasan

Co-founder and DirectorAfrica's Voices


I am Executive Director and Co-Founder of Africa’s Voices Foundation. How can citizens come together and have their voices better heard to drive the change they want to see in their lives? Where are the democratic innovations that solve for trust, openness, plural views, recognition and action, and not for commercial gain or surveillance? With collaborations across hemispheres, disciplines and sectors, I'm bent on finding solutions that work. The two lives I lead as a change actor, but also a change thinker (I'm also founder and co-Director of the Centre of Governance & Human Rights at the University of Cambridge) redouble rather than divide that ambition. What else? I'm an Australian of Indian origin, married to an Irish woman, with two sons who are proudly British, but currently living in Kenya amidst a near-20 year love affair with eastern Africa, and especially Sudan. Unapologetically, a citizen of the world.

Regional Focus

Eastern and Southern Africa