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Sir David King

Foreign Secretary's Special Representative for Climate ChangeForeign & Commonwealth Office


Sir David King is The Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change and Chairman of the Futures Cities Catapult.

Sir David King was Senior Scientific Advisor to UBS, Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, Chair of the UK National Oceanography Advisory Board and NED of Midatech Limited, as well as Adviser to President Kagame of Rwanda.

He was the UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser 2000 - 2007. He served as Founding Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University, 2008 – 2012, Head of the Department of Chemistry at Cambridge University, 1993 – 2000, and Master of Downing College Cambridge 1995 – 2000.

Elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1991; Foreign Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002; knighted in 2003; made “Officier dans l’ordre national de la Légion d’Honeur” in 2009.