Søren Vester Haldrup works with transnational corruption, financial integrity, and innovation in UNDP. He leads a new experimental initiative to tackle transnational corruption, deploying innovation and systems thinking to understand and address the issue across its global 'value chain' from where funds are stolen to where they end up. Søren has also worked in UNDP’s Strategic Innovation Unit supporting country offices, global teams, and local partners to apply new approaches to better understand and tackle complex systems challenges. In this role Søren built the ‘M&E Sandbox’ - UNDP’s flagship initiative focused on rethinking monitoring, evaluation and impact measurement for 21st century challenges. Søren has been a board member with Global Integrity, he has worked as a Senior Consultant with Oxford Policy Management as well as with UNDP Tanzania/ Government of Tanzania, International Rescue Committee Ethiopia, and the Danish Institute for International Studies.