TEST Miriam Shephard



Full name, Matthew Gabriel Philippe Bertrand Sebastien de Clermont, also known as Matthew de Clermont, Matthew Roydon, Shadow, Sebastian St. Clair, Gabriel ben Ariel, Matthew Chiaromonte. Matthew is the son of Ysabeau de Clermont, husband of Diana Bishop, father to Rebecca and Philip, and vampire father of Marcus Whitmore, among others. He is a geneticist, vampire, and fellow of All Souls College at Oxford University. His educational credentials are too extensive to list here. In addition to working in his laboratory, Matthew enjoys reading books written by old friends and collecting wine.Full name, Matthew Gabriel Philippe Bertrand Sebastien de Clermont, also known as Matthew de Clermont, Matthew Roydon, Shadow, Sebastian St. Clair, Gabriel ben Ariel, Matthew Chiaromonte. Matthew is the son of Ysabeau de Clermont, husband of Diana Bishop, father to Rebecca and Philip, and vampire father of Marcus Whitmore, among others. He is a geneticist, vampire, and fellow of All Souls College at Oxford University. His educational credentials are too extensive to list here. In addition to working in his laboratory, Matthew enjoys reading books written by old friends and collecting wine.Full name, Matthew Gabriel Philippe Bertrand Sebastien de Clermont, also known as Matthew de Clermont, Matthew Roydon, Shadow, Sebastian St. Clair, Gabriel ben Ariel, Matthew Chiaromonte. Matthew is the son of Ysabeau de Clermont, husband of Diana Bishop, father to Rebecca and Philip, and vampire father of Marcus Whitmore, among others. He is a geneticist, vampire, and fellow of All Souls College at Oxford University. His educational credentials are too extensive to list here. In addition to working in his laboratory, Matthew enjoys reading books written by old friends and collecting wine.Full name, Matthew Gabriel Philippe Bertrand Sebastien de Clermont, also known as Matthew de Clermont, Matthew Roydon, Shadow, Sebastian St. Clair, Gabriel ben Ariel, Matthew Chiaromonte. Matthew is the son of Ys