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Thokozile Nhlumayo

General SecretaryInternational Youth Parliament


Thokozile Nhlumayo is the founder of the #NotTooYoungToLead Movement, a global movement aimed towards holding governments in Africa accountable on the number of young people they have in office. She also serves as Secretary General of the International Youth Parliament, an organization of 45 countries that advocates for young people’s meaningful engagement in political, leadership, and decision-making capacities. The African Union acknowledged the International Youth Parliament as one of the top 70 institutions contributing to Africa’s leadership and political growth. Thoko also launched the LGBTQ+ Political Leaders Program in South Africa, Botswan and Namibia, which seeks to achieve full equality for LGBTQ+ people by building, supporting, and advancing a diverse network of LGBTQ+ public leaders. Thokozile’s passion for advocating for the inclusion of young people in leadership roles was developed by her own experiences of being denied public office opportunities due to age and gender.