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Tim Cross is the founding President of YouthBuild International (YBI). He joined YouthBuild USA in 1996 holding several positions including Vice President of Field Services over seeing the national domestic field operation and then served as YouthBuild USA’s Chief Operating Officer for three years before launching YouthBuild International.

In YouthBuild programs, out of school and unemployed young people, ages 16-25, acquire basic education, job readiness, technical training and leadership skills while building permanent community assets such as housing, community centers, schools, playgrounds and ‘green’ infrastructure. YouthBuild was established in the United States 40 years ago and has expanded to 360 program sites in 45 US states and 23 countries, enrolling 16,000 young people each year. YBI in-county partners include NGOs, global development institutions, governments, bi- and multilateral donor organizations, and private-sector companies. These partners are working in industrialized nations, emerging economies, and developing countries. YouthBuild manages global partnerships with firms, including Prudential, Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, and Saint Gobain, and over the last ten years has grown its partnership with Catholic Relief Services from one country to eight, on two continents.

Regional Focus

Caribbean, Central America, Central and Southern Asia, Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe, North America, South America, West and Central Africa