Together with his wife, Fran, William is a trustee of the Indigo Trust. He brings expertise in government, community action and technology policy to Indigo's work. He is also the founder and director of Talk About Local, a unique public service project (funded by Channel4 and Screen West Midlands) to give people in deprived or isolated communities an online voice they own and run. He has a long track record of community action in London’s deprived King’s Cross neighbourhood. When in the UK civil service, William was Tony Blair’s technology policy advisor in Downing Street, co-authored the ‘Transformational Government’ strategy, commissioned the 2007 Power of Information Review with Fran, was Secretary to the Power of Information Taskforce, ran ‘Show us a Better Way’ one of the first open data competitions and was Chair of the OECD expert group on e-government. He is also a trustee of King’s Cross Community Projects, the Good Things Foundation and 360Giving.