Skoll World Forum virtual registration now open!
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Showing all 1065 Skoll World Forum Attendees of 2017

Aaron Pereira

Project Leader, Wellbeing Project

Abi Weaver

Global Director, Marketing and Communications, Social Progress Imperative

Abigail Disney

President, Fork Films

Abrar Chaudhury

Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford

Aditi Thorat

Director of Development, Thomson Reuters Foundation

Adrien Sindayigaya

Country Director - Burundi, Search for Common Ground

Aerie Changala

Chief Executive Officer, Nuru International

Agnes Nindorera

Journalist, Burundi Women Journalists Association

Ahmed Abu Bakr

Skoll Scholar, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship

Ajit Singh

Partner, Artiman Ventures

Akanksha Hazari

Founder & CEO, m.Paani