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Bright Simons, is the President of mPedigree [link to:], a social enterprise working on three continents with governments, Fortune 500 companies and activists to safeguard human health and food security using technology. A career inventor and innovator, his current projects include vaccine quality detection using novel organo-sensors. He is also a Board-level Advisor, with recent appointments to the Microsoft Africa Advisory Council, the Lancet Commission on the Future of Health in Africa, the Center for Global Development's Study Group on Technology, the World Economic Forum's Africa Strategy Group, the Africa Population Health Research Center, and IC Publications, owner of the New African magazine. He is a WEF YGL, TED Fellow, Aspen Braddock Fellow, and the 2016 CNBC African Innovative Business Leader of the Year. In 2016, Fortune magazine named him on their 50 World Greatest Leaders list.

Regional Focus

Central and Southern Asia, Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, West and Central Africa