Conor Brosnan

Chair and CEOSmall Foundation


Conor Brosnan is a founding Director of Small Foundation (SF), an Irish-registered charity ( SF’s vision is Africa permanently free from extreme poverty by 2030. It seeks to catalyse income-generating opportunities for extremely poor people in rural sub-Saharan Africa by supporting initiatives that improve the business ecosystems that proliferate income opportunities for those in extreme poverty by expanding the access of MSMEs to knowledge, skilled human resources, finance, technology and markets. (MSMEs are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises including smallholder farming.)
Since joining Small Foundation in an executive capacity in 2015, Conor has focused on growing the capacity of the organisation to deliver on is vision. Conor became CEO and Chair of Small Foundation in March 2018.
Prior to this Conor was Head of Research at Abbey Capital, an investment management company specializing in global managed futures.