Erin L. Worsham is a thought leader, professor, and coach helping individuals and organizations drive social and environmental change. She currently serves as the Executive Director of CASE at Duke University, an award-winning center that has taught thousands of students and engaged tens of thousands of practitioners including social enterprises, impact investors, and corporations all working to launch, measure, scale, invest in, and drive impact.
Erin is a cross-sector leader with a unique combination of experience in the nonprofit, public and private sectors including as a consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, developing public-private partnerships at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), working on private sector development issues at the World Bank, working at a nonprofit think tank, and serving in a variety of Board roles. She has degrees from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and Duke University.
Arresting DeforestationClean WaterEarly Childhood to Primary EducationEconomic OpportunityEducationFinancial ServicesHealth DeliveryHuman RightsLivelihoodsPost-Secondary EducationResponsible Supply ChainsSecondary EducationSmallholder ProductivityStandardsSustainable MarketsWomen's and Girls' EducationYouth Job Skills
Eastern and Southern Africa, South America, Southeast Asia