Project ECHO COVID-19 Global Conversations: Cancer Care in the Time of COVID-19


This ongoing series is open to health care and public health workers, policy makers, and other stakeholders working to combat COVID-19 and thinking deeply about how to create a healthier normal as we move forward. Each session will be facilitated by Dr. Sanjeev Arora, Founder and Director of Project ECHO, and Dr. Matthew Bouchonville, Project […]


Digital Technology, Emergency Response and Citizen Reporting: Mercy Corps Response to the Desert Locust Crisis in East Africa


This year East Africa has faced an unprecedented desert locust outbreak and covid-19 crisis that threatens smallholder farmers’ incomes and regional food security. Mercy Corps AgriFin, supported by the Skoll Foundation and working in collaboration with Pennsylvania State University's PlantVillage team, has deployed digital technologies and partnerships to enable citizen reporting of desert locust sightings […]


Climate Change, Water Security & National Security in the MENA Region: Solutions Focused on Jordan, Palestine & Israel


Climate change and its effects been observed throughout the region, but Jordan, Israel and Palestine have yet to fully recognize the connection between the negative impact of climate change on their neighbors' national security, and the implications for their own national security. As part of #ClimateWeekNYC, EcoPeace’s Co-Directors will host a webinar on September 22, […]

Cities, Investors and Infrastructure: Climate Aware Funding Strategies


Municipalities are on the front line of climate risk. Infrastructure needs to be built, repaired and replaced, all of which will require investment capital. Important considerations for investors and borrowers include determining how these long term projects are accounting for climate change and reducing risk, factoring climate resiliency, and accounting for the transition to clean […]

Charting a Course to 30X30 for Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles


In light of this summer's momentous 15-state Memorandum of Understanding on Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles, more than 30% of the nation's commercial vehicle market is now pushing collaboratively toward a 30% zero-emission share of sales by 2030. Join CALSTART and Ceres for a workshop highlighting various perspectives on the most instrumental drivers of market […]

COVID-19: Why Communities Should be the Focus to Reduce the Impact in Africa


In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic once again brought to the fore the global need for to support and invest in strong and resilient health systems. While some governments have strongly responded to the pandemic with a systems-based approach, other governments realized that their lack of long term investments in their health system - especially at […]

Protection for an Evolved Capitalism: How B Corps are Leading the Way


Every purchase we make is an opportunity to make the world a better place. By aligning production and consumption patterns with social and environmental values, there’s an opportunity to create an evolved capitalism—one that is inclusive, equitable, and regenerative. B Lab will bring together a diverse group of B Corp leaders to discuss what it […]


[Climate Week 2020] Investor Expectations in 2021: Setting a Course for Effective Climate Lobbying


Investor Expectations in 2021: Setting a Course for Effective Climate Lobbying Climate risks pose particular uncertainty to portfolios from a regulatory, economic and a reputational perspective. That’s why it is important for companies and investors to understand the role they play in corporate lobbying practices. Examples include how they are enabling policy-makers to close the […]

The Health System after the COVID Pandemic: Policies and Investments Needed to Support Frontline Health Workers


COVID-19 is upending health systems and health workforces across the world. In low- and middle-income countries especially, the pandemic has diminished access to essential health services, threatening to reverse decades of progress in global health, including toward ending preventable maternal and child deaths, achieving epidemic control of HIV, eliminating malaria, eradicating measles, and ending TB. […]


Scaling Systems Change: Local Leadership for Global Transformation


Tostan CEO Elena Bonometti hosts an interactive conversation with Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr Obe of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Her 3-year Transform Freetown plan details 19 concrete targets across 11 sectors and covers issues ranging from tackling environmental degradation to facilitating the creation of jobs in the tourism sector. We will discuss local government systems change, COVID […]


Indian Development Landscape – SDG 16 (2020)


The/Nudge Forum will host an interactive conversation around SDG 16 in India. SDG 16 focuses on promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building accountable institutions at all levels. The need for SDG 16 is felt even more in the Covid world. We will […]
