Latest Past Events

Indian Development Landscape – SDG 16 (2020)


The/Nudge Forum will host an interactive conversation around SDG 16 in India. SDG 16 focuses on promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building accountable institutions at all levels. The need for SDG 16 is felt even more in the Covid world. We will […]


Scaling Systems Change: Local Leadership for Global Transformation


Tostan CEO Elena Bonometti hosts an interactive conversation with Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr Obe of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Her 3-year Transform Freetown plan details 19 concrete targets across 11 sectors and covers issues ranging from tackling environmental degradation to facilitating the creation of jobs in the tourism sector. We will discuss local government systems change, COVID […]


The Health System after the COVID Pandemic: Policies and Investments Needed to Support Frontline Health Workers


COVID-19 is upending health systems and health workforces across the world. In low- and middle-income countries especially, the pandemic has diminished access to essential health services, threatening to reverse decades of progress in global health, including toward ending preventable maternal and child deaths, achieving epidemic control of HIV, eliminating malaria, eradicating measles, and ending TB. […]
