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About the Organization

Independent Diplomat (ID) is a unique non-profit venture in the world of international relations, diplomacy, and conflict prevention. ID provides independent and confidential advice and assistance in diplomatic technique and strategy to governments, political groups, international institutions, and non-governmental organizations. ID's work helps those facing complex international and political challenges to achieve their objectives. Their staff includes experienced former diplomats, international lawyers, and other experts in international relations. Their advice is impartial and staff members have no allegiance or affiliation to other governments or institutions. ID has had projects in Africa, Asia, and Europe; a project to improve the effectiveness of the UN Security Council; and an initiative to assist small island states in global climate change negotiations. They work with a broad network of individuals and organizations, including law firms, commercial consultancies, and universities, who support and assist ID's work on a pro bono basis. ID holds itself and its clients to strict ethical standards. It requires its clients to be committed to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Globalization has changed diplomacy. Parties lacking skills and experience to have their needs addressed peacefully often become marginalized, increasing the risk of conflict.

Ambition for Change

The rules of diplomacy become more inclusive, leading to successful resolution of more conflicts.

Path to Scale

Independent Diplomat adds value to existing diplomatic assets (diplomats, civil society and the forums through which they negotiate) through a powerful methodology (new tools and tactics), enabling marginalized countries and groups to take back the power in negotiations about their future and gain more from the diplomatic process. 

Skoll Awardee
Carne Ross

Founder and Senior Advisor, Independent Diplomat

Carne Ross was a British diplomat for 15 years, serving for 4 years as the UK's Middle East/Iraq expert at the United Nations Security Council. In protest over the government’s manipulation of intelligence on WMD in Iraq, he resigned, throwing his life into crisis: he loved diplomacy, but believed that there was something deeply wrong with how it was practiced. When he resigned, Carne was working on secondment with the UN in Kosovo, which was still part of Serbia. Powerful countries, led by the secretive six-country "Contact Group," were discussing Kosovo's future status. The democratic government of Kosovo, prohibited from having a foreign service, was marginalized. This contributed to frustration and violence in Kosovo, and made for bad diplomacy on Kosovo's future: Kosovo's people were expected to accept the outcome of negotiations without having a say. This was the genesis of Independent Diplomat (ID), which Carne continues to lead as its Executive Director. 

Impact & Accomplishments
  • ID has been behind the scenes of some of the biggest international policy issues of the past two years, including:
    • climate change (working with the Republic of Marshall Islands’ President and Vice President equivalent),
    • Syrian peace negotiations (working with the Syrian National Coalition and its President), and
    • The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States (with Somaliland’s Ministry of National Planning and Development).
  • However, ID faced a major disappointment and saw its ethical criteria put to the test in December 2013 after disturbing reports of state violence by the South Sudanese government (with whom they had worked to help South Sudan gain independence).
In the News
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