Skoll World Forum virtual registration now open!
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Skoll Partner

Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship

Academic Institution, Commercial Social Purpose/Social Enterprise Organization, For-Profit Corporation, Non Governmental/Non-Profit Organization


The world needs change – deep, broad and lasting change. The Skoll Centre equips entrepreneurial leaders to create systemic social change within and beyond business.

Based at the University of Oxford, the Skoll Centre researches how social change happens and brings a community of academics, students, and practitioners together to generate experiences and insights that spark change. Leveraging these insights, the Centre’s educational programmes equip entrepreneurial leaders for impact – at Oxford and worldwide.

Skoll Partnership

The Skoll Foundation partners with the Skoll Centre to demonstrate and accelerate the impact of social entrepreneurs by generating knowledge and advancing research with practical applications, developing leaders with business acumen and social innovation, and connecting social entrepreneurs with global leaders to enhance social impact.


Issue Areas: Arresting DeforestationClean EnergyClean WaterEarly Childhood to Primary EducationEconomic OpportunityEducationEnvironmental SustainabilityFinancial ServicesHealthHealth DeliveryHuman RightsInternational JusticeLivelihoodsLiving ConditionsOcean EcosystemsPeacePost-Secondary EducationResponsible Supply ChainsSanitationSecondary EducationSmallholder ProductivityStandardsSustainable MarketsWater ManagementWomen's and Girls' EducationYouth Job Skills

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