Women and Girls: Catalyzing Change in the Climate Crisis
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Session Description
Climate change deepens existing structures of inequality, including gender inequality. Limited access to resources, restrictions of rights, and exclusion from decision-making make women and girls more vulnerable to the effects of a warming planet. But, women can also be the strongest agents of change around mitigation and adaptation efforts if allowed to pursue education, control family planning, and allocate household resources. We’ll delve into the research and hear from powerful leaders effecting change in their communities and beyond.
Time & Location
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM, Thursday, April 12, 2018
Rhodes Trust Lecture Theatre
Senior Writer, Project Drawdown
Dr. Katharine Wilkinson is Senior Writer at Project Drawdown, where she collaborated with Paul Hawken on the New York Times best-seller Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. Katharine’s interdisciplinary background cuts across research, strategy, and…
Willy Foote is founder and CEO of Root Capital, a nonprofit that offers farmers around the world a path to prosperity by investing in the agricultural businesses that serve as engines of impact in their communities. Since its founding in 1999, Root Capital has provided more than $2 billion in loans to…
Founder and Executive Director, Il’laramatak Community Concerns
Agnes Leina comes from Northern part of Kenya, Samburu who are also mainly pastoralists and very traditional in their way of life. She holds a Masters Degree in Rural Sociology and Community Development, from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and a Bachelors, degree in Communications and…
Vice President and Regional Director for Africa, World Resources Institute