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Aligning Inner Wellbeing with External Impact

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Session Description

Our modern world is a paradox: we are more virtually connected to each other, but many would say that we are less connected personally. For those on the front-lines of social change, a focus on wellbeing, connection, and reaching full human potential is a common challenge. In several exercises, we will reflect on our own sense of connection and life satisfaction, explore how greater awareness can help us better cope with challenges, and explore who we are in relation to self, others, and the world.

Time & Location

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM, Wednesday, April 10, 2019 BST
Classroom 2 (TBEC)
  • Facilitator
    General Manager & CEO, Esalen Institute
    Terry Gilbey is a seasoned executive who has worked in both for profit and nonprofit organizations leading change, bringing stability, and empowering organizations to step into their full potential. While his primary focus has been solving complex problems within organizations and teams, he also has…
  • Facilitator
    Director of Programs, Esalen Institute
    With a strong commitment to personal growth and social transformation, Cheryl has served as the Director of Programs for Esalen Institute since 2006. Cheryl has work in a leadership capacity supporting emerging ideas through the Wellbeing Project, Esalen Program Ambassadors, the Holistic Center’s…