According the UNHCR, there are 25.4 million people currently registered as refugees, and over half of them are under the age of 18. These numbers will continue to grow as global conflicts, economic volatility, and climate change force many more to flee their homelands. What can be done to ensure that refugee youth have access to quality mental healthcare, education, and opportunities? How can we better support their integration into communities of resettlement and their re-integration when they return home? Hear from leaders working across sectors to prevent further lost generations.
I am Muzoon from Syria, I am an education activist and I work with Unicef as a GoodWill Ambassdair. I had to flee my country 2013 with my family for seeking safety in Refygee camps in Jordan, because of the war in my homeland, since then I have been advocating for children’s rights, especially…
Co-founder and Mental Health Director, Humanity Crew
Dr. Daod is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist who grew up in Israel in a small Arab Palestinian village in the Galilee. He specialized in child and adolescent psychiatry and graduated from psychoanalytic school. In 2015, he flew to Greece for a humanitarian rescue mission where he co-founded…