Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series
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Securing Land Rights to Unlock the Potential of Small-holder Farmers

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Session Description

Boosting the livelihoods of small-holder farmers (SHFs) represents one of the most powerful levers to create a pathway from poverty to prosperity. New technologies, including fertilizers, improved seeds, and tree planting can raise productivity for SHFs exponentially. Insecure land rights, however, poses a major challenge for effective and equitable adoption.

Providing farmers with secure land rights provides the incentive and opportunity to make long-term investments in their farms, and enables a shift to commercial production and alternatives sources of income. These gains are particularly pronounced for women farmers, whose status and ability to care for their family are closely tied to their rights to own, inherit, lease and manage land.

This event will explore the case for stronger land rights for SHFs, especially women, and will describe relevant activities from leading practitioners catalyzing new laws/policies, models, technologies and financing structures to help SHFs unlock the power of land rights at scale.

Panelists will include:
• Tim Hanstad, Chandler Foundation
• Karol Boudreaux, Landesa
• Timothy Rann, Mercy Corps Ventures
• Matthew Forti, One Acre Fund
• Simon Ulvund, Meridia


• Those groups and individuals supporting SHFs, rural development and women’s empowerment, including civil society organizations, donors, impact investors and academics

• Businesses, value chain companies or others who work with SHFs

Time & Location

4:00 PM - 5:20 PM, Tuesday, March 31, 2020 BST

Host & Recording
