Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Your Digital Pass to the inspiring talks and conversations that take place at the Skoll World Forum

In 2019, we offered a free Digital Pass for the first time ever to bring you the debates, discussions, and speakers featured at the Skoll World Forum on the social issues that affect us all.

We’re thrilled to offer a Digital Pass again this year. Sign-ups for the Digital Pass will begin in early March. To receive details about our 2020 Digital Pass when they become available, please sign up for the Skoll Foundation newsletter below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we offering the Digital Pass?

We wanted to make the full coverage from the Skoll World Forum—including plenaries, sessions, interviews and other footage—available to a global audience, regardless of whether you attend the Forum in person.

How much does the Digital Pass cost?

Passes are free of charge.

When will I receive access to the Digital Pass?

We’ll send a private link and unique password to all Digital Pass holders. You’ll be able to watch the videos at any time—they do not have an expiration date.

How can press use the Digital Pass?

Journalists and other members of the media who aren’t able to attend the Forum can use the Digital Pass to have access to key conversations, news, and speakers featured at the Forum.

How can I see the videos from previous Forums?

See video, photos and information from previous Forums in our archives. You can also view them on our YouTube channel.

How can I access my 2019 Digital Pass?

With the 2019 Digital Pass, you’ll have conversations from the Skoll World Forum at your fingertips—from main-stage talks and performances, to round table sessions, lightning talks, and intimate Facebook Live chats—more than 30 hours of content to choose from. Already received your 2019 Digital Pass access code? Log in here.

Please email if you have any additional questions.