Read the latest case studies from social innovators in "Orchestrators of Change"
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This year's Skoll World Forum convened online April 13-15 with the goal of “Closing the Distance” on local and global divides. Together with an incredible group of global leaders, we explored ideas that aim to build a better future for all. Browse this year's speakers below and rewatch our plenaries for learning and inspiration.

Rewatch the 2021 Closing Plenary

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Rewatch the 2021 Opening Plenary

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Plenary Speakers

Plenary Performers

Session Program: 50+ Discussions & 200+ speakers

Most of the 50+ sessions taking place during Forum week were curated in partnership with the social innovation community to reflect a range of voices and experiences and reinforce the core value of convenings—connection, provocation, and inspiration. The organizations who designed these sessions are excited to engage the Skoll network and foster meaningful connection.

Check out the full calendar of Skoll World Forum sessions here:


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