Teach For All is a growing global network of independent partner organizations in over 50 countries united by the purpose of developing collective leadership to ensure all children have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Each network partner recruits and develops promising future leaders to teach in their nations’ under-resourced schools and communities and, with this foundation, to work throughout their lives, from inside and outside of education, to ensure all children are able to fulfill their potential. Teach For All’s global organization works to increase the network’s impact by capturing and spreading learning, facilitating connections among partners, accessing global resources, and fostering the leadership development of partner staff, teachers, and alumni. By 2030, the network expects to include partner organizations in over 90 countries, developing more than 20,000 teachers and over 150,000 alumni leaders who, working collectively with many others, will reshape the systems that impact children’s lives.
The Teach For All network’s long-term vision is that by 2040, communities in every part of the world are equipping all of their children with the education, support, and opportunity to shape a better future for themselves and all of us—and that these communities are inspiring and informing a worldwide movement to achieve this everywhere.
Teach For All’s global organization fosters the growth of the network by building awareness of the network’s approach and supporting local entrepreneurs to launch new organizations. Since 2007, the network has grown from two partners to over 50. Partners scale through a shared approach to developing collective leadership.
CEO & Co-Founder, Teach for All
Wendy Kopp founded Teach For America in 1989 to marshal the energy of her generation towards expanding opportunity for marginalized children in the United States. After 24 years as the organization’s CEO, she moved out of the role to devote her attention to Teach For All, which she launched in 2007 in response to social entrepreneurs interested in pursuing a similar approach in their countries. Teach For All is a global network of organizations in more than 50 countries that seek to develop collective leadership to ensure all children fulfill their potential by recruiting promising leaders to teach, investing in their training and development, and fostering their ongoing leadership as a force for systemic change.