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Join Us for a Week of Connecting as Skoll Goes Virtual

March 28, 2020

By Claire Wathen - Skoll Foundation

With incredible generosity and energy from our community, next week will be the largest and most globally diverse Skoll World Forum Week ever. This open-sourced experiment is a reimagined approach to how we usually gather and connect with 1,200 social change leaders from across the globe.

In this turbulent time of social distancing, we need each other more than ever. We need to connect, share, and create new spaces for community, even if it means trying new tech and embracing the occasional awkward moment on a video call (you know what I’m talking about). The Forum continues to be a connection-first platform, we’re simply shaking up what those connections look like. Here’s how you can join in.

Connect During Virtual Events

Sign up for events and meet ups across the week. With over 100 events organized by 80+ organizations, we’re curious what new connections can be made to support collaborations and collective progress. Perhaps you’d like to join conversations on accelerating Pakistani enterprises,  driving systems change amid crisis in Latin America, the ever-evolving development landscape in India, and Chinese social innovator responses to COVID. Or discuss health and policy impacting U.S. Indigenous communities (featuring several Skoll World Forum Fellows), meet urban innovators in Africa, explore a case for stronger land rights or join a design sprint.

Across the week, we see a few conversation clusters emerging:

  • COVID-19 specific conversations. How to respond, adapt, and lead through crisis
  • Other social impact topics: A wide range of critical issues (still) in need of lasting solutions
  • Causal connections: meet ups and a virtual networking space

How to Join? Visit this public schedule to sign up for as many events as you’d like.

Connect Around SDGs

Illustration showing number of SKoll World Forum attendees categorized by SDGs

With help from our friends at Impact Intel, we redesigned the existing 2020 Skoll World Forum delegate directory to an open dynamic map anyone can join. Leaders are shown by regions and Sustainable Development Goals of focus. As you click through the map, the directory updates. Click on a name to see their bio and ways to reach out.

Let’s say you’d like to connect with a Central America-based intermediary that provides funding and capacity support for enterprises around SDG 1: No Poverty. By clicking through the map, you’d find Daniel Buchbinder with Alterna Impact. (Join this Latin America meet up on Monday March 30 that Daniel is co-hosting!) Or perhaps you’re focused on SDG 4: Quality Education and you’d like to find collaborators. Click the red SDG 4 column to peruse the list of 266 civic and civil leaders, 64 amplifiers and agents, 80 funders, and 21 scalers.

How to Join? Visit this map to add yourself.

Photo collage of people talking to each other via video conference


Connect Around Topics You Care About

Serendipitous connections are at the heart of the Skoll World Forum. This year, we hosting a virtual networking space: Collective Connections powered by social enterprise e180. Anyone can join this platform, post topics and join others next Friday, April 3, from 9am-2pm EST. Personal and professional topics are welcome. Last year, delegates held conversations on “how to launch an organization with a toddler at home,” “metrics for success – let’s chat about evaluation systems,” and “tips for fundraising when you need to scale.”

How to Join? Log in to post topics and join one-on-one or small group video chats.

Connect Across Barriers

In response to our in-person Forum cancellation, the incredible leaders that make up the Skoll network have showered our team with generosity, kindness, and creativity. Online gatherings are a completely different animal than what we are used to. And while this is new territory, silver linings are already shining bright.

Without the usual constraints of limited invitations, physical space capacity, and travel, we see an opportunity for greater equity and inclusion. Anyone can join. Anyone can host conversations. And in this time of pressing global health challenges, collective strength has never been needed more.

Looking forward to “seeing” you online next week!

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