Read the latest case studies from social innovators in "Orchestrators of Change"


Climate change is a global existential threat that requires urgent, collective, and coordinated action.

The Skoll Foundation supports social innovations that mitigate climate change by empowering Indigenous Peoples and local communities as guardians of tropical forests, influencing private sector action, advancing climate justice in partnership with the hardest-hit communities, and building strong support for climate action globally.​

Increased Economic Value of Sustainably Managed Forests

A 2023 Skoll Awardee, the Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (AMAN), represents over 2,000 indigenous communities in Indonesia to facilitate collective action for land rights and self-determination. In 2023, AMAN—along with its partners KPA and WALHI—launched the Nusantara Fund, Indonesia’s first direct-funding mechanism led by Indigenous Peoples for Indigenous Peoples. The fund will empower Indigenous People and local communities in Indonesia and provide them with the financial resources they need to scale their integral role in managing natural resources while growing a sustainable economy.

Skoll Awardee MapBiomas and its MapBiomas Alert influenced more than 20,000 actions against deforestation by environmental agencies. It has been used by banks to avoid deforestation in supply chains and by Indigenous People to protect their territory, among hundreds of other applications. In 2022, Banco do Brasil, the largest provider of credit for agriculture in Brazil, declined over $1 billion in loans for 11,000 properties that had deforestation detected by MapBiomas.

Stop Deforestation with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Guardianship

Skoll Foundation supports Rights and Resources Initiative, a global coalition dedicated to advancing the land and resource rights of local peoples—informed and driven by Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and people of African descent (IP, LC, and AD). In 2023, RRI released the second edition of Who Owns the World’s Land?, its flagship study on the extent of IP, LC, and AD rights to land and forests globally. The study covers 73 countries and over 85 percent of the global land area and is a critical tool to support analysis to advance land tenure reform.

Building a U.S. Permanent Majority

In March 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission introduced a draft rule requiring U.S. public companies to assess and disclose companies’ climate risk and impact to investors, citing Skoll Awardee Ceres. Coalitions formed by Ceres garnered support from investors with $52 trillion in assets and are now mobilizing against opposition to the draft rule.

Stories of Impact

Social Innovators


Imazon (Amazon Institute of People and the Environment) is a Brazilian research institute founded in 1990 whose mission is to promote conservation and sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon. We…